Run, My Brothers!
Run, my brothers! Run into the red dawn, run into bliss relived.
Tire not, my brothers! Run, as far behind us fleet Zenobia and her
sisters run into the red dusk.
Remember, my brothers! Live again that day and night, remake the
promise shared at parting.
Sing, my brothers! The song of our ancient blood that whips us on to
morning, as its softer twin drives fair Zenobia and her sisters to
Believe, my brothers! Our grandfathers' tale of the world twisted, 'til
dawn and dusk shall meet again.
Rest not, my brothers! Take not a day and night here, for rest robs us
of a dawn and dusk before we see again swift Zenobia and her sisters.
Dream, my brothers! Run 'til we reach that promised dawn of the second
day and night, and see again bright Zenobia and her sisters.
Run, my brothers! Run into the red dawn, run into bliss relived.
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