"Hello world\n"
External environment variables (eg $HOME) and the script's parameters
(eg $1) are available as read-only string variables.
Square brackets indicate inclusion of the end points, round brackets indicate exclusion. Start and end brackets do not have to match. A string for the start means search for that substring from the start of the source string, and a string for the end means search for that string from just after the start string. Strings followed by an asterisk and count (eg * 3) mean count that many occurrences of the string, so * 1 is the default.
Numbers mean indeces into the string, with 0 at the end meaning the end of the string. For example,
$a = "Hello world\n"
$b = $a["wo" "ld"] #
sets $b to "world"
$b = $a("He" "lo") #
sets $b to "l"
$b = $a["l" * 3 0] #
sets $b to "ld\n"
$b = $a[0 " ")
# sets $b to "Hello"
$b = $a(5 0]
# sets $b to "world\n"
The special symbol \ is equivalent to 0 for defining the result, but has the additional "chop" function of changing the source string by removing the result of the slice from the start or end as appropriate. So:
$a = "First line\nSecond line\Third line\n"
$b = $a[\ "\n"]
# sets $b to "First line\n" and reduces $a to "Second line\Third line\n"
Using the network is a two-stage process: the variable must first be "bound" to the target machine and port with the bind symbol := with a source in the format of computer name followed by a colon and port number. The variable can then be used for reading and writing the network as if it were a string variable.
Normally only the currently available data is read, but reading the variable as a capital letter means keep reading data until the connection closes and return all of it. Writing to it as a capital letter means close the connection after the write.
For example, a local finger utility can be implemented as:
$w := "localhost:79" # bind to target machine and port, local
machine for simplicity
$w = "%s\n" $1 # send
target username from command line,
# adding \n for finger server's protocol
$r = $w
# read result from network
# display result
As conveniences, the port number can be given by a TCP service name from /etc/services and the network variable can be output directly without the intermediate result variable, so:
$w := "localhost:finger" # bind to target machine and port,
local machine for simplicity
$w = "%s\n" $1
# send target username from command line,
# adding \n for finger server's protocol
# read result from network and output it
More generally, string slicing makes it easy to parse a general user@machine command for remote fingering:
$x = $1
# copy parameter to variable for slicing
$u = $x[0 "@")
# get user name without the @
$m = $x("@" 0]
# get machine name, also without the @
$w := "%s:finger" $m # bind to target
machine and port
$w = "%s\n" $u
# send target username, adding \n for finger server's protocol
# read result from network and output it
In some cases the port number can be given as a symbolic name resolved on the remote computer, if that machine is running the port brokering service on port 54321. Eg one can connect to "pbm.com:tbg" without knowing which port the tbg service is running on today.
Server variables are set up by binding to a port with the format colon and port (no machine name, it's always the local one), e.g. a simple chat demo expecting to be contacted with "telnet hostname 2000":
$w := ":2000"
# listen on port 2000
$c = $w
# accept a connection
$c = "I'm a chatter, who are you? "
# strike up a conversation
$r = $c
# read their response
$c = "Hello, %s\n" %r
# reply to them by name
"Logged a connection from %s\n" $r
# and report it
$f := "/etc/passwd" #
bind filename to variable
$p = $f
# read in whole file
$r = $p[$1 "\n"]
# get the username parameter and find its line
# output it (or nothing if not found)
New files are created with permissions 777, relying on umask to cut them back to what's actually required.
Existing file descriptors can also be bound to file variables as direct numbers, with the only useful cases normally 0, 1 and 2 for standard input, standard output and standard error. For example:
$k := 0
# standard input
$o := 1
# standard output
$e := 2
# standard error
$o = "Who are you? "
# printf
$r = $k
# gets
$o = "Hello, %s\n" $k
# printf
$e = "Aargh, it's all gone wrong\n" # sudden
panic attack
Fields are referenced with the / character and their name, which can be variable, and array size is set with the * character and a number. Array size can also be increased by one with the ++ operator, allowing gradual buildup of the structure.
(Note all structure operations involve the / character and for convenience literal strings consisting entirely of digits and numbers following a / don't need to be in quotes.)
Examples of structure operations:
$a := /name + /email * 1000 # define a new structure
$a = $a + /url
# add a field to each element of array
$a = $a * 2000
# make the array bigger, keeping contents
Individual variables within the structure are accessed via view variables, see next section.
Examples of view use:
$a := /name + /email * 0
# start with empty array
$v = $a/++
# grow as entries appear
$v/name = "Sauron"
# set fields
$v/email = "barad-dur@hotmail.com"
$v = $a/name/Saruman
# search on any field
"Saruman's address is %s\n" $v/email
$v = $a/42
# or index directly
"Darklord 42 is %s, email %s\n" $v/name $v/email
? $1
# does the command line parameter contain any text?
"Hello %s\n" $1 # yes
it does, so use it
# else
"Hello world\n" # no
it doesn't, so default
$f := $2
# bind to name of file to search
$p = $f
# read file into $p
?? $p
# while there's any of it left...
$x = $p[\ "\n"] # extract
the first line, chopping it off the remainder
$t = $x[$1 0]
# try to find the target string in it
? $t
# did this produce anything?
# output the line containing the text
More ambitiously, an http proxy:
$w := ":3128" # become a server on this port
?? "cows not home yet" # run
$c = $w
# pick up a client connection
$r = $c
# get their request
$s = $r("GET http://" "/") # parse servername
$x = $r("GET http://" 0]
$p = $x["/" " ")
# and page
$r = $x("\n" 0)
# and rest of request
$x = "%s:http" $s
# target server and port
$b := $x
# make connection
$b = "GET %s HTTP/1.0\n%s\n\n" $p $r #
send command
$c = $B
# get and forward full page
Unlike if, the while condition can also be a view into a structure, and unlike most uses of view variables it can usefully be non-unique. The while block is executed once for each match, with the matching view put into a special variable ($) meaningful only within that block.
For example, assuming $a is a structure from the structure/view examples above:
"The following users (if any) have hotmail addresses\n"
?? $a/email/hotmail
"%s (%s)\n" $/name $/email
The whole structure may also be used as a condition, meaning loop over
every element.
At the end of a label's block of code the script goes back to sleep. Since the sleep command can take a time-out parameter and the script may sleep in different places, it's significant that return from a label is to the same sleep command and that the time-out period is restarted then.
Labels for network connections or named pipes consist of a variable name followed immediately by a colon and a block of code in curly brackets. Labels for signal handlers consist of the signal number followed immediately by a colon and the block. Sleep consists of a colon with an optional time-out period in milliseconds.
For client variables, standard input and named pipes "incoming" means data ready to be read from the variable. For server variables it means a client is trying to make contact.
Here's a simple telnet example for protocols which (unlike telnet itself) just pass user-suitable strings back and forth, such as echo, finger and http:
# parameters are hostname and port, eg tel localhost finger
$k := 0
# get a keyboard input variable
# and sleep until something happens
# user typing
? $w
# are we already connected?
$w = $k
# then send command to server
# not connected, could be first time through, or a protocol
# that needs a new connection for each command
$w := "%s:%s" $1 $2 # open network connection
$w = $k
# and send the command
# incoming from network
# display network message
Here's an example of cleaning up on control-C (signal 2)
$f := "datafile"
# access database file
$a = %m $f
# read as memory format structure
# fiddle with it
# jump here on control-C when asleep
$f = %f $a
# save to file in flat binary format
. 0
# and exit with success code
A default SIGCHLD handler in the nesh interpreter waits when a child terminates before the parent so zombie processes are cleared up without the script's intervention.
A somewhat complex but typical example of forking is a generic transparent proxy script which retains a single control process listening for new clients while forking off a worker-process to deal with each new client. The parent sleeps waiting on new connections, and each worker-process sleeps waiting for new traffic in either direction. Since all traffic goes through here, it can be monitored, logged or modified as required.
Note the exit command (dot, followed by numerical error code or string termination message), needed to eliminate worker-processes after their connection ends. Only the command process remains running permanently.
# first parameter is destination machine and port, second is port for this service
$w := $2 # listen on this port
# new client connection arrives
$s = $w
# make connection
? @
# split off a worker
$s := 0
# parent closes connection
# worker starts here
$b := $1
# and pass through
$w := 0
# child discards listener
# worker gets message from client
$a = $s
? $a
# if it's data
$b = $a
# pass it on
# data in $a can be
logged or fiddled with here
# if it's not data, the connection is closing
. 0
# normal exit, worker must die here or it
# would hang around forever
# traffic going the other way, mirror of above case
$a = $b
? $a
$s = $a
. 0
$w := $1
# become a server on this port
?? 1
$s = $w
# get a connection from a client
$s = `$s`
# execute incoming command and return results
This can be used with the nesh telnet above by tel hostname port and
typing commands.
$p = 0 # port counter
?? $p - 10000
# is it 10000 yet?
$w := "localhost:%d" $p
# try opening it
? $w
# any luck?
"Port %d works\n" $p
$p = $p + 1
# increment counter
%d changes a string to a number, or 0 if it's not
a valid number
%s changes a number to a string
%t changes a binary string to text, each byte becoming
two hexadecimal characters
%b changes a string of hex characters into a binary
string, or goes wrong if the input isn't valid
%f changes a structure variable into a flat binary
dump for filing
%m reverses %f, restoring a structure from the flat
%l makes a structure from a text buffer by making
each line an element of the /line field
%e changes a structure into XML-like format for
export to non-nesh systems