The layout of this document is to rush through enough to get you started writing scripts, then fill in detail for reference. In this first version only the first rush and minimal reference tables are included.
#!/usr/bin/env sash "Hello world\n" # everything from the hash to end of line is a commentThe first line identifies the script as needing the sash interpreter to run it, and avoids hard-coding the location of the interpreter by using the unix 'env' command to find it on your path.
Basic arithmetic and logical operations (+-*/%&|~) work as in other languages, and there are no syntactic boundaries between statements so you can say:
#!/usr/bin/env sash 2 + 3 * 5 "\n"to output 17 with a newline after it.
Simple variables of integer or string type can be used much as in other languages, and always have names that start with '$'. They are generally strongly typed when created by budding off from their parent variables: $integers and $strings using the 'new' attribute (explained more later). For example:
#!/usr/bin/env sash $celsius = $ $fahrenheight = $ $result = $ $celsius = 20 $fahrenheight = ($celsius * 9) / 5 + 32 $result = "%d degrees Celsius is %d degrees Fahrenheight\n", $celsius, $fahrenheight $result
Numbers can be compared in the usual ways (==, !=, <, >, <=, >=) and strings can be simply compared for equality or inequality (the other string comparison operators are more exotic). Comparisons can be used in if and while statements, which are represented by '?' and '??' respectively as sash has no textual keywords to distract from the programmer's own words. Both if and while always control blocks of code enclosed in curly brackets {}, and an if block can be followed by an else block, where else is the negated if !?. For example:
#!/usr/bin/env sash $count = $ $count = 1 "I can count to 6\n" ?? $count <= 6 { "Count is %d, ", $count ? $count & 1 { "%d is odd\n", $count } !? { "%d is even\n", $count } $count = $count + 1 }
All types of data are supported by a range of 'attributes' which provide processing of the data or access to related data. There are currently about 150 of these and more will be added as things which are frequently needed and/or easier to implement in the interpreter than a script are identified.
Attributes are added to the data item with a dot, for example if $name is a string the $name.upper is the same string in upper case, $name.lower is the lower case version, and $name.mixed is lower case apart from the first letter of each word. Attributes can be combined with left to right execution, for example $ is the current time in seconds since the start of (sash) time (useful for calculations but horrible to show to people) and date_string is the string attribute of a number that makes it a user-readable date so $ is the presentable form of the current time.
#!/usr/bin/env sash $roll = $ $roll = 6 "D6 result is %d\n", $roll.die # get a random number in range set by the variable "D20 result is %d\n", 20.die # constants can also have attributesRunning this script repeatedly gives the same 'random' numbers because the pseudo-random generator is always set the same way by default, which is useful for re-running a turn without random variation but bad when the results need to really vary. Attributes can also be used on the left hand side of assignments as in this example:
#!/usr/bin/env sash $roll = $ $system.random = $ # start pseudo-random sequence from clock time $roll = 6 "D6 result is %d\n", $roll.die # get a random number in range set by the variable "D20 result is %d\n", 20.die # constants can also have attributesResults now vary unless the script is run twice in the same second (which can be fixed for most practical cases by using $system.utime, the microsecond time-of-day clock).
Sash does also include more sophisticated file handling than other script languages, just as it contains better string support and image processing, but without the networking it would remain just an incremental advance. It would also need some way to read from the keyboard, rather than expecting input to come from the network as now.
There are two types of network variable: client and server. A client variable is used to make a connection to a chosen other computer and TCP/IP port, expecting the other end to be a server already waiting for connections (for example, a web server). A server variable does not immediately connect and does not choose the other end: it just starts waiting for something (for example a web browser) to connect to it. Sash uses elaborate support such as named services when connecting to other sash scripts, but can also use legacy methods such as numbered TCP ports when connecting with non-sash programs.
Here is a script to fetch a web page, using a client variable to connect to a web server and talk http protocol directly to it.
#!/usr/bin/env sash $webserver = $ # get a variable of type client $result = $ $ = "" # aim it at port 80 on the remote web server $webserver.packet = "GET /index.html HTTP/1.0\n\n" # send request for top level web page $result = $webserver.content # read entire result "Web page is %s\n", $resultNote contrast between 'packet' attribute which reads or writes available data while keeping the connecton open, and the 'content' attribute which when writing writes all the data and then closes the connection and when reading continues reading until the other end of the connection closes. It's generally vital to get this distinction right as using 'content' too early will break the connection before all data has been exchanged, and using 'packet' for the last transfer can leave the other end hanging around expecting something else to happen.
Here is a script to implement a simple web server, which listens on a spare port (80 is likely to be in use by a real web server) and replies to any browser request with a place-holder web page.
#!/usr/bin/env sash # while this script is running on your machine you should be able to connect from a web browser # with URL http://localhost:8080/anything $listener = $ $client = $ $request = $ $listener.update = # set a block of code to run when something connects { $client = $listener.accept # this variable holds specific client connection $request = $client.packet # see what the client wants, but assume it's a webpage for now $client.content = "HTTP/1.0 200 ok\nContent-type: text/html\n\n<h1>Simple Sash Web Server</h1>\n" # reply with http headers and a web page, then close the connection } $listener.port = 8080 # choose an unused port :: 0 # this means wait foreverNote use of the 'update' attribute to define the block of code to run when something happens to the listening server variable. This handler uses a client type variable to form a specific connection with the requesting web browser. It turns out that client variables of this sort behave in exactly the same way as client variables described above for initiating connections, so there's no need for the interpreter or programmer to treat the two cases differently.
It would be possible to expand this skeleton script to be a complete server (and this is substantially what's done to make non-sash servers such as MUDs), but there are several problems with this approach.
The first is the difficulty of choosing that port number 8080: it needs to be a number which no other program on the same machine has chosen, and it has to be known to the program or user who is trying to connect to this script. Sash solves this by using names for services instead of port numbers, and having a script called the broker manage the relationship between names and real port numbers.
The second problem is that this script has to be running when someone tries to connect to it, which in practice means it has to be running all the time: this is very untidy when there are many many scripts involved. Sash avoids this by having the scripts normally not running: the broker launches them as needed, they tend to wait around for a while after handling a request in case there's another one, but then exit until needed again.
The third is that when multiple requests arrive quickly they have to be handled one after another. If each handling takes a long time during which the host computer isn't really needed (for example if handling the request needs the server to fetch more information over the network or from slow disks), this delay is avoidable. Web servers get around this by running in multiple copies, but that's inflexible in needing the number of copies chosen in advance (mostly idle or not enough so there's still queueing), and more severely doesn't work for applications where the requests need to both read and write a common store of data. Sash deals with these problems by easy forking, in which the script splits into two copies as it runs, with one keeping just the server type variables active and the other keeping just the client type variables. This splits the 'management' function of accepting new requests into one process that owns the writable data and is rarely busy, from multiple 'worker' processes which actually deal with requests.
For these examples which depend on the sash broker you will need to have the broker running. It listens on the nesh/sash port 3507 which may have firewall implications if you're using a remote server.
#!/usr/bin/env sash # while this script is running on your machine you should be able to connect from a web browser # with URL http://localhost:3507/?service=sample # this script must be a file called sample in the same directory as the broker $listener = $ $client = $ $request = $ $listener.update = # set a block of code to run when something connects { $client = $listener.accept # this variable holds specific client connection $request = $client.packet # see what the client wants, but assume it's a webpage for now $client.content = "<h1>Simple Sash Web Server</h1>\n" # reply with web page, then close the connection # standard http headers are optional as broker will add them if needed } $listener.publish = "sample" # use name of file (including path from broker directory) :: 5000 # wait for 5 seconds (5000 milliseconds) handling requests # then exitSimilarly, sash client scripts can access sash services by name, for example:
#!/usr/bin/env sash $service = $ $result = $ $ = "localhost:sample" $service.packet = "give me the web page\n" $result = $service.content "Service returns:\n%s", $resultAlthough this is several times smaller than the equivalent code in other languages, it's verbose for sash because it takes 3 statements to do the common task of fetching the result of a request to a net service. This nuts-and-bolts style of communication is only needed for protocols like SMTP which have multiple exchanges of data between client and server. In most cases it's neater to use the 'fetch' attribute of a string containing the request, for example:
#!/usr/bin/env sash $result = $ $result = "service=sample\n".fetch "Service returns:\n%s, $resultThe 'fetch' attribute uses its string to specify a network request, makes the request, and evaluates to whatever comes back from the net service. The request defaults to localhost if no 'server=name\n' line is included, and a 'port=n\n' line can be included instead of the service line for connecting to non-sash servers.
Sash forking is essentially unix forking, splitting the program into two copies which then run independently, except that one copy (the parent) keeps the open server connections and the other (the child) keeps the open client connections. The unix style fork uses an attribute of the '$system' variable which returns true in the parent and false in the child, as in ? $system.fork { # parent } !? { # child }, but this untidy and invites the bug of forgetting to exit the child process in the right place.
The neater form of forking is to enclose a code block in {{ }} instead of { } so that it runs as a forked process and exits at the end of the block. The basic skeleton of server script in this form looks like this:
#!/usr/bin/env sash $listener = $ $client = $ $listener.update = { $client = $listener.accept # accept a new connection request ? 1 # syntax glue as forked chunk must be a block {{ # fork to give it to a child process $system.sleep = 2000 $client.packet = "1\n" $system.sleep = 4000 $client.packet = "2\n" $system.sleep = 6000 $client.packet = "3\n" $client.content = "All Done\n" }} } $listener.port = 4000 # use fixed port to allow telnet access :: 0 # sleep, waking up to handle requestsAlthough each request takes 12 seconds to complete, the delays are all in child processes so the parent remains available to take new requests and fork new child workers: you can see this by making multiple overlapping connections with 'telnet localhost 4000'.
Format strings have appeared above: they resemble the printf format strings of C but can be used as strings generally. Parameters can follow a string separated by commas and each is used to substitute into the string in place of the per-cent character and a letter. There are several exotic letters used in javascript generation, but the useful basics are as for printf: s = string, d = decimal number, c = character.
String slicing extracts part of a string, which can be chosen in several ways. The start and end points may be numbers which are indeces into the string, or subsstrings. The start and end points can be inclusive or exclusive of the number or string selecting it, and for each of these cases the start and end can be selected in different ways. Inclusive selection is shown by square brackets [] and exclusive by round brackets (). For example:
#!/usr/bin/env sash $hello = $ $hello = "Hello World\n" $hello[1 3] "\n" # ell $hello(1 3) "\n" # l $hello["Wo" "ld"] "\n" # World $hello("ll" "o") "\n" # nothing $hello(0 "ll") "\n" # e $hello["e" "d") "\n" # ello Worl
Lists mostly have different attributes to the variables they are made of, as seen above with the special list variables $integers, $strings etc. which are lists of all the script's variables of that type and can create more with the 'new' attribute. The attributes of variables in a list can be used to search it, by putting the test for inclusion into square brackets after the list variable.
Practical examples usually involve compound datatypes not covered yet, so we'll resort to pseudo-code:
# this is a fragment, not a runnable script $my_ship = $ $other_ship = $ $my_ship = # the ship of the player currently being considered $ships[star == $] # the list of ships in the same place as this player $ships[$current_turn - start_turn < 100 && energy > 10000] # ships younger than 100 turns who have at least 10000 energy
Lists can also be used in while loops, combined with a control variable by the '@' symbol so that the control variable becomes each variable in the list in turn. Note this is literally true, the control variable isn't a copy of the real variable: it is the variable so altering it will change the real variable and deleting it will remove it from the list, and all other lists.
?? $other_ship @ $ships[star == $] { "%s is visible here, a %s class ship of size %d\n", $, $other_ship.class, $other_ship.size } !? # while loops can have 'else' clauses for when they're not run even once { "There are no other ships visible here\n" }and back to runnable scripts for a file example, using the list variable $files which is initially all the files in the current working directory, filtering to find only large files modified in the last 24 hours:
#!/usr/bin/env sash $file = $ ?? $file @ $files[length > 1000 && date > $ - 24 * 3600] { "File %s, size %d bytes, date %s\n", $file.filename, $file.length, $ }
The common file actions (create, read, write) use just the 'filename', 'content' and 'append' attributes. There are no separate create, open or incremental read commands: files are typically moved between mass storage and memory with a single assignment to or from a string, with all complex manipulation done on the string. For example:
#!/usr/bin/env sash $file = $ $data = $ $file.filename = "newfile.txt" $file.content = "First line of file\nSecond line\nThird line\n" # at this point the file is on disk with the above contents $file.append = "Fourth line added at the end\n" # additional data can be added only at the end $data = $file.content # read file contents back into memory "file contains:\n%s", $dataThe file list variable $files is initially a list of the files in the current directory (strictly it's a list of variables representing those files, but it's clearer to think of it as a list of files). A file list can be modified to be the files in another directory with the 'new_dir' attribute or to add the files from a different directory to the current list with the 'add_dir' attribute.
To make a simple red circle in a black square gif in a file called sample.gif:
#!/usr/bin/env sash $image = $ $file = $ $image.width = 512 # set size of image $image.height = 512 $image.background = "0 0 0" # set background RGB components, all black and no foreground $ = "255 0 0" # put in a red circle as big as possible $file.filename = "sample.gif" $file.content = $image.ppm.gif # convert internal format to ppm, then to gif, and save to fileManipulation of the image happens at a particular pixel, defined by its xdraw and ydraw attributes. These are used as the top left corner when embedding one image in another, as in this example of generating a random star field:
#!/usr/bin/env sash $image = $ # main image for star field $star = $ # small image to hold individual star $file = $ $count = $ $star.width = 10 # set up small star image $star.height = 10 $star.background = "0 0 0" $image.width = 512 # set up large star field image $image.height = 512 $image.background = "0 0 0" ?? $count @ 1..10 # include 10 stars { $image.xdraw = 500.die # use 500 rather than 512 to avoid clipping at the edges $image.ydraw = 500.die $ = "%d %d %d", # make a star of random colour 255.die, 255.die, 255.die $image.add = $star # embed it by addition, so overlapping stars merge # the alternative is .insert, so overlaps replace } $file.filename = "sample.gif" $file.content = $image.ppm.gifText can be written into an image at the drawing point using the .char (integer) or .text (string) attributes, but the font only currently contains digits and random punctuation marks.
For most precise control, the pixel attribute can be used on left or right side of assignments to write or read single pixels as a string of RGB values, eg "0, 128, 0" for mid-green.
#!/usr/bin/env sash $input = $ $input = "GET / HTTP/1.0\n\n" ??? $input { "GET" { "It's a GET command\n" } "POST" { "It's a POST command\n" } "HEAD" { "It's a HEAD command\n" } }Integer ranges can be used instead of lists in while loops, written as two integer expressions separated by a pair of dots. The loop control variable then starts at the first value and increments on each loop until exceeding the second value. For example:
#!/usr/bin/env sash $i = $ "13 times table:\n\n" ?? $i @ 1..12 { "%d x 13 is %d\n", $i, $i * 13 }All list variables can be indexed by numbers, like arrays, but this is only rarely useful since other mechanisms are more powerful. The common example is for the pseudo-variable list $parameters, which is a list of the script's arguments. For example, a script called tel run with the command 'tel localhost sample' will have $parameters.1 set to 'tel', $parameters.2 set to 'localhost' and $parameters.3 set to 'sample'. The $parameters.0 entry is set to the name of the sash interpreter (for which these are of course argv).
#!/usr/bin/env sash $listener = $ $listener.port = 4000 $client = $ $server = $ $data = $ $listener.update = { $client = $listener.accept $ = "" # put target machine and or service here ? $server.socket # if no error, fork sleeping worker and continue {{ :: 0 # proxy initiates nothing, just sleeps and reacts }} } $client.update = # handler for incoming packet from client end { $data = $client.packet # put in variable for modifying or logging ? $data { # could log data here by appending to logfile, eg $client_logfile.append = $data $server.packet = $data } !? # if there's no data it must be a close from client { $server.content = "" # close server end $system.exit = 0 # and exit worker child } } $server.update = # mirror image of client handler above { $data = $server.packet ? $data { $client.packet = $data } !? { $client.content = "" $system.exit = 0 } } :: 0 # parent process sleeps waiting for new connectionsNote the use of 'update' attributes on the client variables, these blocks of code are run when something happens to their variable, either incoming data or a connection close from the other end.
Forking of the worker child allows multiple concurrent proxying by the same script. For example, web browsers fetching a complex page with pictures in usually run multiple connections to get the pictures and text simultaneously: a non-forking proxy would slow this down by waiting for each connection to complete before starting the next. Forking, sleeping and 'update' handling allows very complex behaviour to emerge from simple source code.
Integers | ||
Attribute | Type | Meaning |
abs | Integer | Absolute value |
atom | String | Name of a matching atom (like enum) |
cos | Integer | 1000 times cosine |
date_string | String | Tick count formatted as date and time |
die | Integer | Random number from 1 to subject |
dot_quad | String | a.b.c.d (ip address) |
factors | String | Factors |
id | Integer | Internal id of subject variable (Both) |
list | List of Integer | List of just subject variable |
max | Integer | limit subject maximum to target (LHS) |
min | Integer | limit subject minimum to target (LHS) |
sin | Integer | 1000 times sine |
sqrt | Integer | Integer square root |
type | Integer | Internal constant for integer type (Both) |
update | Code | Code to run when subject is modified (Both) |
value | Integer | Value |
Strings | ||
Attribute | Type | Meaning |
add | String | Combine strings with x=n lines arithmetically (LHS) |
ampersand | String | Replace newlines with ampersands |
boolean | String | Inexplicable, needed for javascript compatibility |
chop | String | Removes start of subject up to first occurrence of target (LHS) |
content_length | Integer | Content Length: number from http headers |
content_type | String | Content Type: field from http headers (Both) |
credentials | String | http header credentials decoded from base64 (Both) |
delete | String | Remove target substring from subject (LHS) |
execute | String | Run subject as command in parent (usually non-sash) shell |
fetch | String | Use subject as net service request specification |
form | String | Obsolete form generation primitive (LHS) |
gif | String | Convert ppm string to gif format string (needs ppmtogif) |
headline | String | First line of subject |
http_status | String | Status from http headers (Both) |
headline | String | First line of subject |
id | Integer | Internal id of subject variable (Both) |
ipv4 | Integer | 32 bit network address of subject machine |
length | Integer | Number of characters in string (no null terminate assumption) |
list | List of Integer | List of just subject variable |
location | String | Location field in http headers (Both) |
lower | String | All letters to lower case |
mixed | String | First letter of each word to upper case, rest to lower case |
number | Integer | Convert string to decimal number |
port | String | Manipulate port=x element of strings |
quote | String | Make subject quotable by converting difficult characters to escape sequences |
realm | String | Realm field from http headers (Both) |
request | String | Manipulate request=x element of strings |
resource | String | Decodes 'url' encoding to text |
server | String | Manipulate server=x element of strings |
service | String | Manipulate service=x element of strings |
string | String | Value of string |
tidyname | String | Map '_' to ' ' and '@' to ''' for TBG-1 compatibility |
type | Integer | Internal constant for string type (Both) |
upper | String | All letters to upper case |
url | String | Encode for 'url' format (%2F+ etc.) |
System | ||
Attribute | Type | Meaning |
broker_port | Integer | Port used by broker on this system, default 3507 |
dir | String | Current working directory (Both) |
exit | Integer | End program, setting exit status (LHS) |
fork | String | Fork program, returning true and false |
hostname | String | Name of host computer |
id | Integer | Internal id of subject variable (Both) |
now | Integer | Time in seconds since The Beginning |
null | String | Discarding destination (LHS) |
pid | Integer | Process ID |
random | Integer | Set seed on LHS or read random number on RHS (Both) |
sleep | Integer | Sleep for set number of milliseconds (LHS) |
stdin | String | Read from standard input |
stdout | String | Write to standard output (LHS) |
type | Integer | Internal constant for system type (Both) |
utime | Integer | Time of day in microseconds |
Files | ||
Attribute | Type | Meaning |
append | String | Add data to the end of the file (LHS) |
content | String | Read or write all the data in the file (Both) |
date | Integer | Date of last modification in seconds since The Beginning |
filename | String | Name of file (Both) |
id | Integer | Internal id of subject variable (Both) |
length | Integer | Size of file in bytes |
list | List of Integer | List of just subject variable |
type | Integer | Internal constant for file type (Both) |
Images | ||
Attribute | Type | Meaning |
add | Image | Add one image to another, pixel by pixel, at xdraw, ydraw (LHS) |
background | string | Fill image with RGB colour from string (LHS) |
bitmap | string | Set image to contents of bitmap in X/c format (LHS) |
char | integer | Draw character at xdraw, ydraw (LHS) |
circle | string | Put biggest circle possible into image, using RGB string for colour |
height | integer | Set or read height of image (both) |
id | Integer | Internal id of subject variable (Both) |
insert | image | Insert one image into another at xdraw, ydraw (LHS) |
pixel | string | Read or write pixel at xdraw, ydraw as RGB string (both) |
pixel24 | integer | Read or write pixel at xdraw, ydraw as 24 bit integer (both) |
ppm | string | Read or write image in ppm format (both) |
roundel | string | Draw roundel into image according to string value (LHS) |
text | string | Draw text string into image at xdraw, ydraw (LHS) |
width | integer | Set or read width of image (both) |
xdraw | integer | Set or read x drawing position (both) |
ydraw | integer | Set or read y drawing position (both) |
File Lists | ||
Attribute | Type | Meaning |
add_dir | String | Add all files in another directory to current list |
first | File | First file variable in list |
length | Integer | Number of files in list |
new | File | Create new file variable |
new_dir | String | Replace list with files in target directory |
type | Integer | Internal constant for file list type (Both) |